Thursday, June 24, 2010

Garden explosion!

My garden is very, very happy.

The weather has pretty much been ideal, so everything is growing like crazy! Plus there's been enough rain I haven't really had to worry about watering.

Tomatoes! Ripen! RIPEN!!!

OK, probably not yet. But soon enough!

I've lost control of the tomatoes, again. I tried, I really did, but man, you miss a couple of days and bam, the tomatoes are out of control.

1 comment:

Jennifer Smith said...

You're doing better than I am - my garden has been suffering badly from the hot dry weather and my own campaign-induced negligence. The peppers are happy, but the rest... not so much.

BTW, I've been wanting to write about the Milton Community Gardens for a while now, but it's been nearly impossible to find any information about it. The town certainly doesn't seem to do anything to promote it - yours is the only website I've found that talks about it at all.

Do you think you'd be willing to give me a little tour of the gardens and let me tape it for a video blog post? I want to talk about it as part of a discussion of food and agriculture issues in Milton. Drop me an email at and let me know - thanks!

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