Wednesday, December 16, 2009

24 Days of Christmas: Day 16. A long overdue dollhouse update!

I haven't forgotten the dollhouse! After all, this is kiddo #1's big present. Here's the completed exterior - I've been debating some additional decoration, but I think I'll leave it like this. Simple yet pretty!

The interior is starting to come together. I made a couple of little beds for the kid's room, and picked up the box at the dollar store, I guess we can call it a toy box. It'll be useful for storing little bits and pieces. I'm going to keep the furniture relatively minimal, on the theory we can always provide more furniture for birthdays and such later on. So there will be a mix of home made furniture and some store bought Plan Toys and Educo stuff (my parents are providing a kitchen set and a household accessories set; I think I will get a dining room set).

(this blogging every day for 24 days thing is getting tiring! But I think I'm going to make it...)

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