YUMMY! About two years ago I discovered how easy it is to make felt food, and made a TON of stuff for my first daughter's play kitchen. Donuts are by far the most fun to make! And kids just adore them.
These are made from Eco-Felt, a felt made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic. Not as nice as real wool felt (what could be?), but wool felt is pricey, and this, to me, is a great second option. It's more durable than typical acrylic craft felt, and it's recycled, so it's all around a good thing.
Great, now I think I might have to make a Tim Horton's trip this morning! I'm hungry!
This set of donuts is available in my Etsy shop.
Since I'm thinking of getting into pattern making, I am going to practice/learn by creating a saleable pattern for these felt donuts. Not that anyone really NEEDS a pattern to make these, they're pretty easy, but it's precisely because they are easy that they would make a good first pattern for me to figure out the technical details of writing and photographing and creating the PDF file and all that jazz. Watch for an announcement looking for pattern testers!
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